
This program imports a set of tilt series to form a tomogram set. It is typically the first program to be used when creating a Relion tomography data set. It imports an existing alignment from IMOD and the initial CTF parameters from either CTFFind or CtfPlotter. Additional parameters, such as the fractional electron dose and the chronological sequence of frames have to be supplied by the user.

The tilt series alignment effectively defines an arbitrary 3D coordinate system, as well as a set of projections that map those 3D coordinates to the individual 2D images of the tilt series. The aim of this program is to translate that alignment into a format readable by Relion. If used successfully, this will produce an equivalent 3D coordinate system inside Relion that will allow particle positions already defined in an IMOD tomogram to be used unchanged.

Optimally, the tilt series would be imported into Relion right after alignment, and the particles would be picked in a low-magnification tomogram generated by relion_tomo_reconstruct_tomogram. That way, the particle positions would be guaranteed to be correct.

The primary input to relion_tomo_import_tomograms is a .star file containing one row for each tilt series and at least the following columns:

The following additional columns may be present. If they are not, then the corresponding command line arguments will be used. In that case, they will be identical for all tilt series.

General program arguments:

Optics arguments:

Electron dose arguments:

IMOD import arguments:

Final note: not all IMOD options are supported by this program. For example, the X-axis tilt option is not supported. In case it has been used, we recommend ignoring it and refining the resulting alignment using the program relion_tomo_align.