
This program imports a set of 3D coordinates and (optionally) Euler angles to construct a new particle set. The 3D coordinates can be provided either in one big .star file, or as a set of shorter files, one for each tomogram.

If all the coordinates are provided as one .star file, it has to contain at least the following columns:

Optionally, the file may also contain the particle angles: rlnAngle<Rot/Tilt/Psi>

In case the other format is chosen, then the input file only needs to contain the following columns: rlnTomoName and rlnTomoImportParticleFile. The latter column points to a set of files (one for each tomogram) that contain the coordinates (rlnCoordinate<X/Y/Z>) and (optionally) angles (rlnAngle<Rot/Tilt/Psi>)